Revolutionizing Wealth Planning

Interactively demonstrate advanced estate planning strategies, address client cash flow questions prior to retirement, and model dynamic net worth over time in Wealth Studios.

Income Studio

A holistic view into clients’ yearly income sources, including all interest and dividends from held away assets.

Educate clients on how their expenses can be funded and if a surplus or deficit is likely to exist at the end of a 12-month period.

Wealth Studio Income Studio Screenshot

Lifestyle Studio

This interactive experience allows clients to co-design their own plan and make informed decisions for their future.

A breakdown of projected Net Worth on an annual basis is available to drill down by asset type and individual asset balances.

Wealth Studio Lifestyle Studio Screenshot

Legacy Studio

Simplify the complexity of estate techniques and provide clients with the knowledge needed for them to actively participate in their own legacy planning.

The Family Tree View overlays the flow of assets between heirs and entities at each of their projected deaths and updates live with the modeling of strategies and recommendations.

Use this tool to demonstrate the transition of wealth between generations, the impact of establishing trusts, and the potential benefits of various gifting strategies.

Wealth Studio Legacy Studio Screenshot

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